§ 30-6-1 Method of payment for emergencyactive duty. Payment of the commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personsordered into service under § 30-2-6 and payment of all expenses fortransportation, rations, forage, gasoline, oil, shelter, medical care, arms,ammunition, equipment, and supplies incurred and which were rendered necessaryin connection with the service ordered under § 30-2-6 shall be paid by thestate from appropriations or sources that are separate and distinct from anyregular annual appropriation for the support and maintenance of the militaryestablishment; in the following manner:
(1) The adjutant general, upon receiving the muster andpayrolls, shall at once examine and compare these with the muster rolls in hisor her office, and if found correct and upon approval by the governor, shallcertify these to the controller and the controller shall draw his or her ordersupon the general treasurer in favor of the adjutant general for such sums asmay be required and the general treasurer shall pay these sums to the adjutantgeneral. The adjutant general shall, within ten (10) days after receiving thismoney, pay to the commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personsthe amount due to each person.
(2) All expenses, enumerated above, shall be paid whensupported by proper vouchers, approved by the governor, and the controllershall draw his or her orders on the general treasurer in favor of the adjutantgeneral for such sums as may be required and the general treasurer shall paythese sums to the adjutant general.