§ 30-6-2 Pay of officers on active duty. Every commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard, ordered toduty by the governor or under his authority, or detailed by the governor orunder his or her authority to serve on or with any military board, court ofinquiry, or court martial, shall receive for every day actually on duty thesame pay and allowances that a federally recognized national guard commissionedofficer or warrant officer, of the same grade and length of service, wouldreceive or be entitled to when participating, in a federal pay status, inencampments or maneuvers prescribed or authorized under the laws of the UnitedStates and the regulations issued thereunder; provided, however, that noofficer or warrant officer shall receive less than the minimum federal hourlywage rate then prevailing on the day of duty for hours served on duty, up to amaximum of twelve (12) hours of duty, regardless of the extra hours served.