§ 30-8-1 National guard service medal. In recognition of honorable service in the Rhode Island national guard, theRhode Island national guard service medal will be awarded to every commissionedofficer, warrant officer, and enlisted person now or hereafter in the RhodeIsland national guard, who has rendered seven (7) years continuous honorableservice in the Rhode Island national guard; each commissioned officer, warrantofficer, and enlisted person who shall have rendered honorable service in theRhode Island national guard for a period of ten (10) years, at least seven (7)of which shall have been continuous, and for each additional five (5) years ofhonorable service, whether continuous or not, shall receive appropriate claspsto be worn on the ribbon of the medal; provided, that officers or enlistedpersons of the Rhode Island national guard who were in federal service duringworld war I, world war II, or the Korean emergency shall be given credit forthis service as state service and those who were commissioned, warranted, orenlisted in the Rhode Island national guard upon its reorganization or withinsix (6) months from the time of discharge from federal service shall beentitled to have the intervening period counted as state service for thepurposes of this section.