§ 30-9-12 Court order for delivery ofproperty. When the adjutant general or some commissioned officer authorized by theadjutant general, shall by petition, verified by his or her oath, represent tothe superior court that the person named in the petition, resident or to befound in the state, detains any arms, ammunition, uniforms, equipment,supplies, or other militiary property of the state or for which the state isresponsible, describing the military property generally, after demand is madefor the military property by the petitioner, or someone duly authorized by thepetitioner, the superior court shall, upon the filing of the petition, make anorder requiring the person complained against to deliver up the militaryproperty to the petitioner by such day as the court shall fix or show cause onthat day, before the court, why the military property should not be deliveredup. A copy of the order, certified by the clerk of the court, shall be servedon the respondent personally, or if not served personally shall be left at hisor her residence or last and usual place of abode, or place of business oremployment, with a person of full age at least four (4) days before the day setfor the hearing.