§ 30-9-2 Annual allowance for maintenanceof organizational property. Each organization shall keep the property described in § 30-9-1 intact andin proper repair and in good condition; and the commanding officers ofcompanies, batteries, or similar detachments of the national guard shall eachbe allowed to expend annually a sum not to exceed three dollars ($3.00) permember in keeping the property of their respective organizations in properrepair and good condition; the sums so allowed shall be based upon the averagemembership in these units for the year ending June 30th in each year, to besubmitted by the adjutant general to each organization commander in July ofeach year, all of these moneys to be paid upon approval of the adjutant generalafter his or her receipt of proper vouchers; but the adjutant general shall notallow these sums, or any part thereof, unless the property has been kept inproper repair and in good condition, and unless duties have been properlyperformed.