§ 31-10.1-1 License required. No resident of this state, except those expressly exempted in this chapter,shall drive any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle upon a highway in this state,unless the person shall first obtain a special license as an operator under theprovisions of this chapter; provided, however, motorized bicycles and motorscooters with a motor rated not more than four and nine-tenths (4.9) horsepowerand not greater than fifty (50) cubic centimeters, which is capable of amaximum speed of not more than thirty (30) miles per hour, shall be exempt fromthe provisions of this section. No person shall be licensed pursuant to thischapter unless he or she shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age or unlessthe person previously has been issued a full operator's license and amotorcycle learner's permit or is already licensed under a prior act of thisstate. Any person under the age of eighteen (18) duly licensed under the prioract shall be eligible to have his or her license renewed in the same manner aspersons over the age of eighteen (18). All licenses issued pursuant to thischapter shall reflect any requirement of the operator to wear a helmet pursuantto § 31-10.1-4.