§ 31-10.1-2 Learner's permit. (a) Upon applying for a first license to drive a motorcycle and aftersuccessfully completing a motorcycle driver education program pursuant to§ 31-10.1-1.1 and after satisfying the requirements of § 31-10.1-3,the administrator of the division of motor vehicles may issue a motorcyclelearner's permit to take instruction in the operation of a motorcycle whichentitles the holder to operate or drive a motorcycle on the public highway,other than limited access highway, as a learner, under the general supervision,and whether or not under the immediate control, of a licensed motorcycleoperator, at least eighteen (18) years of age. A person who has been issued alearner's permit may not carry passengers other than the supervising driver onthe motorcycle until the person has been licensed to operate a motorcycle.
(b) The following persons are eligible for a motorcyclelearner's permit:
(1) A person who is at least sixteen (16) years old but lessthan eighteen (18) years old and has a limited provisional license or a fulloperator's license issued by the division of motor vehicles.
(2) A person who is at least eighteen (18) years old and hasa license issued by the division of motor vehicles.
(c) The holder of a motorcycle learner's permit who has alimited provisional license may drive the motorcycle only at times when thelicense holder could drive a motor vehicle without supervision pursuant to§ 31-10-14.
(d) A motorcycle learner's permit expires eighteen (18)months after it is issued.