§ 31-10.1-6 Passengers. Any passenger on a motorcycle, motor scooter, or motor-driven cycle must beprovided with a separate rear seat, a separate foot-rest, and an appropriatehandlebar or grip for his or her use, and must wear a properly fitting helmetof a type approved by the administrator of the division of motor vehicles. Noperson shall operate a motorcycle, motor scooter, or motor-driven cycle unlessany passenger on it wears a helmet and is able to rest his or her feet upon afoot-rest. Any passenger on a motorcycle, motor scooter, or motor-driven cycleunder twelve (12) years of age must have a properly secured back-rest orequivalent, shall have his or her feet placed upon the foot-rest, and shall beseated behind the operator unless a side car is provided. When, however, a sidecar is provided this age requirement shall not apply to any passenger(s) in thesidecar. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in §31-41.1-4.