§ 31-10.2-2 Operators' licenses. (a) An individual may voluntarily terminate his or her operators' license bytendering the license to the operator control section of the department ofrevenue, division of motor vehicles.
(1) Should an individual terminate his or her operators'license, the individual may not reapply for a new operators' license for aperiod of six (6) months from the date of the voluntary license termination.
(2) Before an individual may voluntarily terminate his or herlicense, the individual must sign an affidavit as established by the divisionof motor vehicles, notifying the individual of the consequences of voluntarylicense termination.
(b) Upon reapplication for an operators' license followingvoluntary termination by an individual, the individual shall be required totake a written test and a road test, but shall not pay the requiredreinstatement fee as established by the operator control division before thegranting of a new operators' license.