§ 31-10.3-13 Requirements Commercial. (a) License required requirements. Every person applying for anoriginal or renewal of a commercial license shall be required to comply withand be issued a commercial license meeting the requirements of the CommercialMotor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (see now 49 U.S.C. § 31101 et seq.) andthe implementing regulations in 49 CFR 383 and 384, as may be amended from timeto time.
(b) No person, except those expressly exempted in thischapter, shall drive any commercial motor vehicle upon a highway in this stateunless that person has a valid commercial license under the provisions of thischapter for the type or class of vehicle being driven.
(c) No person, except those expressly exempted in thischapter, shall steer or, while within the passenger compartment of a vehicle,exercise any degree of physical control of a vehicle being towed by a motorvehicle upon a highway in this state unless that person has a valid commerciallicense under the provisions of this chapter for the type or class of vehiclebeing towed.
(d) No person shall receive a commercial license unless anduntil he or she surrenders to the department all valid licenses in his or herpossession issued to him or her by this or any other jurisdiction. Allsurrendered licenses issued by another jurisdiction shall be returned to it,together with information that the person is licensed in this state. No personholding a commercial license shall be permitted to have more than one licenseat any time.
(e) Any person licensed as a commercial driver pursuant tothis chapter may exercise that privilege granted upon all streets and highwaysin this state, and shall not be required to obtain any other license toexercise that privilege by any municipal, local board, or other body havingauthority to adopt local police regulations.