§ 31-10.3-28 Notification required byemployee. (1) To state. Any person holding a commercial license issued by thisstate, who is convicted of violating, in any type of motor vehicle, any federallaw, state law, or local ordinance relating to motor vehicles in this state,any other state or province of Canada, other than parking violations, shallnotify the department of the conviction in the manner specified by thedepartment within thirty (30) days of the date of conviction.
(2) To employers. Any person holding a commerciallicense issued by this state, who is convicted of violating any, in any type ofmotor vehicles, federal law, state law, or local ordinance relating to motorvehicles in this state, any other state or province of Canada, other thanparking violations, shall notify his or her employer, in writing, of theconviction within thirty (30) days of the date of conviction.
(b) Notification of suspensions, revocations, andcancellations. Each person whose license is suspended, revoked, cancelledor otherwise withdrawn by this state or who loses the privilege to operate amotor vehicle in any state or province of Canada for any period, shall notifyhis or her employer of that fact before the end of the business day followingthe day the employee received notice of that fact. The employee shall alsonotify the division of motor vehicles in all cases of out-of-state and provinceof Canada suspensions, revocations, cancellations, or any withdrawal withinseven (7) days of any those actions.
(1) Any person who has applied to be a commercial motorvehicle driver shall provide the employer, at the time of the application, withthe following information for the ten (10) years preceding the date ofapplication:
(i) A list of the names and addresses of the applicant'sprevious employers for which the applicant was a driver of a commercial motorvehicle.
(ii) The dates between which the applicant drove for eachemployer.
(iii) The reason for leaving that employer.
(2) The applicant shall certify that all informationfurnished is true and complete. An employer may require an applicant to provideadditional information as deemed necessary.