§ 31-10.3-30 Commercial driver's licenserequired. (a) Except when operating under a commercial instruction permit and accompaniedby the holder of a commercial license valid for the vehicle being operated, noperson shall operate a commercial motor vehicle unless the person has beenissued a valid commercial driver's license containing the endorsements,classifications, or restrictions applicable to the type of vehicle beingoperated.
(b) No person shall be issued a commercial driver's licenseuntil he or she has passed a written and driving test for the operation of acommercial motor vehicle which complies with the minimum federal standards in49 C.F.R. Part 383, as revised from time to time, and has satisfied all otherfederal requirements as well as any other requirements imposed by state law.The tests shall be prescribed and conducted by the department or a third partydesignated by the department.
(c) A commercial license may be issued only to a person whooperates or who intends to operate commercial motor vehicles and who isdomiciled in this state.
(d) A commercial license shall not be issued to a personduring a period in which that person is disqualified from operating acommercial motor vehicle or while that person's license is suspended, revoked,cancelled, or otherwise withdrawn in any state or province of Canada; nor shalla commercial driver's license be issued to a person who has a license issued byany other state unless the person first surrenders the commercial driver'slicense issued by the other state, which license shall be returned to theissuing state for cancellation.