§ 31-10.3-34 Abstracts of driver records. The administrator shall, upon request, furnish a certified abstract of therecord of any commercial operator on file fully designating the record of allconvictions or adjudications of the commercial operator of any violations ofthe provisions of this chapter and the record of all the commercial operator'sinvolvement(s) in accidents required to be reported pursuant to the provisionsof this chapter. If the commercial operator shall have no record, theadministrator shall so certify. The administrator shall collect for eachcertificate the sum required in § 31-2-10; provided, that if the requestfor a certificate is made by any governmental agency, bureau, or department foruse in its official capacity, the administrator shall collect no fee. Therequirement of this section that the certificate be certified shall make thecertificate admissible as legal evidence in any legal proceeding whethercriminal or civil. The administrator shall also provide on the certificate theperson's license number, date of birth, name, social security number,endorsements, classifications, and/or restrictions, and any other informationdeemed necessary by the administrator.