§ 31-10.3-8 Rulemaking authority. The administrator for motor vehicles, department of revenue, is authorized toadopt and enforce any rules and regulations that may be necessary to carry outthe provisions of chapters 1 27 of this title and any other laws theenforcement and administration of which are vested in the division of motorvehicles, including rules and regulations concerning specialized testing andstandards for operators of commercial vehicles. Any former member of the ArmedForces, including, but not limited to, the Rhode Island National Guard, whoreceived a military license to drive heavy equipment, shall be exempt fromtaking a road test when applying for a commercial driver's license for asimilar class of commercial motor vehicle for which the applicant has beenpreviously licensed by the military, if such applicant is deemed to beotherwise qualified pursuant to 49 CFR 383.77. Any member of an organized firedepartment, including volunteer members, who have five (5) years of drivingexperience of fire apparatus and who has completed a safety driving course,including a road test from a recognized agency shall, upon providing a letterfrom the fire chief of their fire department to the administrator of motorvehicles, be exempt from taking a road test when applying for a commercialdrivers' license for a similar class of commercial motor vehicle, provided theapplicant is deemed otherwise qualified pursuant to 49 CFR 383.77.