§ 31-10-21 Written and eye examination. (a) Every applicant for a license to operate a motor vehicle upon the publichighways shall be required by the division of motor vehicles to show, byexamination or otherwise, the ability to read and understand highway signsregulating, warning, and directing traffic, the proper knowledge of theoperation and mechanism of motor vehicles, the rules of the road, the motorvehicle law, and such other qualifications as will demonstrate that theapplicant is a proper and safe person to operate a motor vehicle upon thepublic highways. The examination shall include a test of the applicant'seyesight. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
(b) Any person who has successfully completed a drivereducation course as set forth in § 31-10-19 and who has passed astandardized written driver's license examination approved by the director ofthe department of revenue shall not be required to take the writtenexamination. The director of the department of revenue shall develop astandardized written driver's license examination which shall be administeredby certified driver education instructors at the completion of each driver'seducation course.
(c) An applicant, within six (6) months of having beencertified by the department of elementary and secondary education as havingpassed a written examination administered by that department, shall, uponcompletion of an eyesight test by the division of motor vehicles, be consideredin compliance with this section.