§ 31-11-10 Reinstatement after revocationor suspension. (a) Any person whose license or privilege to drive a motor vehicle on thepublic highways has been revoked or suspended shall not be entitled to have alicense or privilege renewed or restored unless the revocation or suspensionwas for a cause which has been removed. After the expiration of the term of therevocation or suspension he or she may apply to be restored to his or her rightto drive, but the division of motor vehicles shall not grant the applicationunless and until it is satisfied after investigation of the driving ability ofthe person that it will be safe to license him or her to drive a motor vehicleon the public highways and it has received a reinstatement fee of one hundredand fifty dollars ($150.00). The reinstatement fee and assessment fee shall notbe required by any person whose license was suspended on the basis of physicalor mental fitness and who has later been declared competent to operate a motorvehicle.
(b) Any person whose license has been suspended on the basisof physical or mental fitness shall have the right to request review at anytime of the suspension determination in accordance with the hearing proceduresof § 31-11-7(d) (f).
(c) If the license or privilege to drive a motor vehicle onthe public highways has been revoked or suspended as a result of a violation of§§ 31-27-2, 31-27-2.1, 31-27-2.2 or 31-27-2.6 the reinstatement feeshall be three hundred and fifty ($350.00) dollars.