§ 31-11-6 Offenses resulting in mandatoryrevocation of license. The license of any chauffeur or operator shall be immediately revoked uponreceipt by the division of motor vehicles of a record of the operator's orchauffeur's final conviction for any of the following offenses and the term ofrevocation shall be for the periods enumerated:
(1) Manslaughter resulting from the operation of a motorvehicle, or operating so as to endanger resulting in death, three (3) years;
(2) Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of anarcotic drug as defined in chapter 28 of title 21, which renders him or herincapable of safely driving a motor vehicle, one year;
(3) Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence ofintoxicating liquor, the period of time, if any, as may be ordered in the finalsentence imposed by a court having jurisdiction to impose the sentence;
(4) Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle isused, eighteen (18) months;
(5) Failure to stop and render aid as required under the lawsof this state in the event of a motor vehicle accident resulting in the deathor personal injury of another, two (2) years;
(6) Perjury or the making of a false affidavit or statementunder oath to the division of motor vehicles under any other law relating tothe ownership or operation of motor vehicles, two (2) years;
(7) Conviction, or forfeiture of bail not vacated, upon three(3) charges of reckless driving committed within a period of twelve (12)months, three (3) years;
(8) Conviction of altered or fraudulent license used topurchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages, three (3) months.