§ 31-13-10.1 Traffic control signalpreemption devices. (a) As used in this section, "traffic control signal preemption device" meansany device, either mechanical or electrical, that emits a pulse of light orother signal that, when received by a detector attached to a traffic controlsignal, changes that traffic control signal to a green light or, if the trafficcontrol signal is already green, extends the duration of the green light.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d), no retailer ormanufacturer shall sell or install any traffic control signal preemption deviceon a motor vehicle, nor may any such device be transported in the passengercompartment of a motor vehicle, nor be operated by the driver or passenger of amotor vehicle.
(c) Any person who shall violate the provisions of subsection(b) of this section shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500),which fine shall be deposited into the state general fund.
(d) Installation of a traffic control signal preemptiondevice is permitted on the following vehicles, and operation of the device ispermitted as follows:
(1) Police department vehicles, when responding to a bonafide emergency, when used in combination with red or blue oscillating,rotating, or flashing lights;
(2) Law enforcement vehicles of state or local authorities,when responding to a bona fide emergency, when used in combination with redoscillating, rotating, or flashing lights; and
(3) Vehicles of local fire departments and state or federalfirefighting vehicles, when responding to a bona fide emergency, when used incombination with red oscillating, rotating, or flashing lights.
(4) Buses under the operation and/or control of the RhodeIsland public transit authority, only when used to prolong a green light signal.