§ 31-18-11 Walking, jogging, or running onleft. (a) Where sidewalks are not provided any person walking, jogging, or runningalong and upon a highway shall, when practicable, walk, jog or run only on theleft side of the roadway or its shoulder facing traffic which may approach fromthe opposite direction. Under no circumstances shall anyone walk, run, or jogon any interstate highway within this state.
(b) Any person jogging or running during the time fromone-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise, shall, in addition,wear reflective material which is visible by low beam headlamps from a distanceof at least five hundred feet (500'). In no event, shall the failure to wearreflective clothing be considered as contributing negligence, nor shall thefailure to wear reflective clothing be admissible as evidence in the trial ofany civil action.
(c) Any person who violates the provisions of this sectionshall, upon conviction, be fined fifteen dollars ($15.00).If the person hasbeen charged with failure to wear reflective material they shall be issued acitation. If any person issued a citation presents proof of purchase ofreflectorized clothing or the minimum amount of reflectorized material to theissuing police department within ten (10) days, the department shall void theviolation. Should an individual issued a citation fail to present the proof ofpurchase within the prescribed time, he or she shall be fined fifteen dollars($15.00). The fine shall be paid by mail and paid to the traffic tribunal andshall not be recorded on the driving record of the violator.
(d) Any person found to have violated the provisions of thissection more than once shall, upon conviction, be fined twenty-five dollars($25.00) for each subsequent conviction.