§ 31-18-21 Pedestrians and bikefacilities. Except in the cases of limited access roads, and/or roads of less thantwenty-three feet (23') in width, the director of the department oftransportation is authorized and directed to provide for the accommodation ofbicycle and pedestrian traffic in the planning, design, construction andreconstruction, and to consider this in the resurfacing and striping of anyproject undertaken by the department, unless the director, after appropriatereview by the director or his or her designees, determines that the inclusionof bike facilities and pedestrian access would be contrary to acceptablestandards of public safety, degrade environmental or scenic quality, orconflict with existing right-of-way. In his or her deliberations, the directorshall take into consideration the cost of the facilities in relationship toavailable funding. Bike facilities may include bicycle lanes, routes, paths ortrails; permeable paved shoulders; and/or signage.