§ 31-19-3 Applicability of traffic laws. Every person riding an electric personal assistive mobility device ("EPAMD"),riding an electric motorized bicycle, or propelling a vehicle by human powershall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the dutiesapplicable to the driver of any other vehicle by chapters 12 27 of thistitle, except as to special regulations in this chapter and except as to thoseprovisions of chapters 12 27 of this title which by their nature canhave no application. This section shall not forbid a bicyclist, EPAMD orelectric motorized bicycle from traveling upon the shoulders of the highwayexcept for those highways which prohibit bicyclists; provided, that an EPAMDshall possess all the rights and obligations of a pedestrian, but shall nothave the rights and responsibilities of the operator of a motor vehicle andthat cities and towns may regulate the operation of an EPAMD. Violations ofthis section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.