§ 31-2-17 Summons of witnesses Taking of testimony. (a) In the performance of their duties under this title, the administrator ofthe division of motor vehicles, or any duly authorized assistant, or hearingofficer or officers appointed by the administrator of the division of motorvehicles, may summon witnesses in behalf of the state and may administer oathsand take testimony.
(b) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles,assistant, or hearing officer may also cause depositions to be taken and mayorder the production of books, papers, agreements, and documents. Failure,without justifiable cause, to appear and testify when summoned in accordancewith this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor.
(c) The fees for the attendance and travel of witnesses shallbe the same as for witnesses before the district court. The sixth division ofthe district court shall have jurisdiction in equity upon application of thedivision of motor vehicles to enforce all lawful orders of the division ofmotor vehicles under this section. A party aggrieved by an order of the courtmay appeal the order to the supreme court in accordance with the procedurescontained in the rules of appellate procedure of the supreme court.