§ 31-20-10.3 School bus stops Routes. (a) No school bus shall stop to discharge or pick up passengers at anyintersection where a traffic control device as defined in § 31-1-28controls the movement of the bus.
(b) No school bus shall stop to discharge or pick uppassengers at any location which would require a child to cross any road wherethe posted speed limit is greater than thirty-five miles per hour (35 mph).School bus stops shall be developed in such a manner which assures that the busstop will be on the child's home side of the road so that the child does nothave to cross the road to board the bus or to reach home.
(c) No school superintendent, school committee, contractor,or school bus owner shall put into effect any school bus route which cannot becompleted in the time allotted without exceeding posted speed limits.
(d) All school bus routes shall be reviewed by the localpolice chief of each city and town for safety hazards within ninety (90) daysbefore the start of the school year.
(e) Any party may appeal the decision of a local police chiefapproving or disapproving any bus route or stop to the commissioner ofelementary and secondary education who shall hold a hearing as provided in§ 16-39-1.