§ 31-20-11 Marking of school buses Penalty for violation. (a) Every bus used for the transportation of school children shall be paintedyellow and bear upon the front and rear of it a plainly visible sign containingthe words "school bus" in black letters not less than eight inches (8") inheight. Every bus shall also bear on the right and left side the name of theschool district for which the bus is transporting children in letters not lessthan four inches (4") in height and shall be painted black. Any bus being usedfor the transportation of persons, the majority of whom are under the age ofeighteen (18) may display such a sign.
(b) Except as provided in this section, when a school bus isoperated upon a street or highway for purposes other than the actualtransportation of children, all marking indicating "school bus" shall becovered or concealed. Whenever any school bus is sold and/or is no longer usedfor the purpose of transporting children, its color shall be changed fromnational school bus chrome or any other shade of yellow to any other color, andthe four (4) flashing warning lights shall be removed before the vehicle can beregistered or reregistered for any purpose other than the transportation ofschool children.
(c) The division of motor vehicles shall require proof of thechange of color and other modifications prior to registering the vehicle.
(d) Every school bus shall display a sign located below therear window of the bus which reads "unlawful to pass when red lights areflashing". The sign shall have black letters not less than four inches (4") normore than six inches (6") high on a white reflective background.
(e) Any person, firm, or corporation found in violation ofthis section shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100).