§ 31-21.2-8 Complaint procedures. (a) Each state and municipal law enforcement agency shall establish a procedureto investigate complaints of police misconduct by members of the public againstpersonnel of these agencies, and shall make a written description of theprocedure available to the public. Copies of any departmental complaint formsshall be available in at least one governmental location other than the policedepartment. The procedure and forms shall also be made available on any websiteof a law enforcement agency.
(b) At a minimum, complaints shall be accepted in person bymail or by facsimile.
(c) Information on the complaints received by each lawenforcement agency shall be submitted on an annual basis under uniform criteriaestablished by the Select Commission on Race and Police-Community Relations.The information provided by each department shall include the total number ofcomplaints received, a breakdown by category of the type of complaint and afurther breakdown by category of the disposition of the complaints.