§ 31-23.2-1 Declaration of findings andpurpose. (a) The general assembly finds:
(1) That purchasers, when buying motor vehicles, rely heavilyon the odometer reading as an index of the condition and value of the vehicle;
(2) That purchasers are entitled to rely on the odometerreading as an accurate reflection of the mileage actually traveled by thevehicle;
(3) That an accurate indication of the mileage traveled by amotor vehicle, assists the purchaser in determining its safety and reliability;and
(4) That motor vehicles move in the current of interstate andforeign commerce or affect that commerce.
(b) It is therefore the purpose of this chapter to prohibittampering with odometers on motor vehicles, to establish certain safeguards forthe protection of purchasers with respect to the sale of motor vehicles havingaltered or reset odometers, and to create civil and criminal sanctions for theviolation of the provisions of this chapter.