§ 31-23.2-7 Penalty. (a) A person who shall violate any of the sections of this chapter shall bepunished by imprisonment for up to five (5) years or a fine of not more thanten thousand dollars ($10,000) or one dollar ($1.00) for each mile representingthe difference between the actual mileage driven and the mileage as representedon the vehicle at the time of sale, and the person may be prohibited fromworking for any motor vehicle dealer authorized to do business in the state ofRhode Island for a period of not more than one year; and if the person has beenissued plates pursuant to § 31-3-25, the plates may be revoked.
(b) Should any person who violates any of the sections ofthis chapter possess a motor vehicle dealer's license, this license shall berevoked upon his or her conviction for a period of not more than one year.