§ 31-23-16 Windshield and window stickers Obstructions to clear view Snow and ice on vehicle. (a) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or othernontransparent material, or dirt, snow, or ice upon the front windshield, sidewings, or side or rear windows of the vehicle which obstructs the driver'sclear view of the highway or any intersecting highway; provided, that theadministrator of the division of motor vehicles may permit the placing ofspecial stickers upon the windshield or any of the windows of a motor vehiclein the manner specified by the administrator of the division of motor vehicles.
(b) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with anysignificant amounts of snow or ice upon the vehicle. The term "significant" isconstrued as any amount of accumulation which might reasonably be expected,when blowing off the vehicle while driving, to obscure the vision of anoperator of another vehicle. However, the natural accumulation of snow whiledriving during adverse weather conditions shall not constitute a violation ofthis section. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in§ 31-41.1-4.