§ 31-23-2 Additional parts andaccessories. (a) Nothing contained in this chapter or chapter 24 of this title shall beconstrued to prohibit the use of additional parts and accessories on anyvehicle not inconsistent with the provisions of these chapters.
(b) No person shall install or adjust any equipment, part, oraccessory on a motor vehicle that is intended for use on any highway, whichwould result in the motor vehicle or its operation being inconsistent with theprovisions of this chapter or chapter 24 of this title and could result in theissuance of a notice pursuant to § 31-38-2. The penalty for the firstviolation of the provisions of the subsection shall be a fine of two hundredfifty dollars ($250), for the second violation a fine of five hundred dollars($500), and for the third and subsequent violations a fine of one thousanddollars ($1,000).