§ 31-23-27 Rear wheel flaps on buses,trucks, and trailers. No person shall operate or cause to be operated any bus, truck, full trailer orsemi-trailer, of registered gross weight exceeding three (3) tons, on anypublic highway in this state unless it is equipped with suitable metalprotectors or substantial flexible flaps behind the rearmost wheels. In casethe rear wheels are not covered at the top and rear by fender, body, or otherparts of the vehicle, the rear wheels shall be covered at the top and rear byprotective means of a standard type or design and so installed as to reduce, asfar as practicable, the wheels from throwing dirt, water, or other materials onthe windshields of following vehicles, except in cases in which the motorvehicle is so designed and constructed that the requirements of this sectionare accomplished by reason of the fender or body construction or other means ofenclosure. However, §§ 31-23-26 31-23-28 shall not apply tovehicles where their construction is such that complete freedom around thewheel area is necessary to secure the designed use of the vehicle. Violationsof this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.