§ 31-23-43 Wheel safety chocks. (a) Every bus having a seat capacity of more than seven (7) passengers, everytruck with a gross weight of more than seven thousand pounds (7,000 lbs.), andevery tractor or trailer, or combination, operated upon the public highwaysshall be equipped with one pair of approved wheel safety chock blocks. Wheneverthe motor vehicle shall be parked on a highway on a grade sufficient to causethe vehicle to move of its own momentum, and is left unattended by theoperator, the safety chock blocks shall be securely placed around the rearwheel of the vehicle so as to prevent movement of the vehicle.
(b) Whenever the motor vehicle is equipped with positivespring-loaded air parking brakes, the vehicle need not be equipped with thesafety wheel chocks.
(c) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.