§ 31-23-49 Transportation of gasoline Penalty. (a) No motor vehicle shall be used to transport gasoline, except those whichare duly registered with and approved by the division of motor vehicles. Nocontainer of whatever kind may be used to transport gasoline, except under therules and regulations that may be promulgated and approved by the state firemarshal. The rules and regulations on containers shall, among other facets,regulate the size and kinds of containers that may be used to transportgasoline in the state of Rhode Island. Unless there exists an emergencycondition that would require the transportation of gasoline by motor vehicle ina container or otherwise in response to an individual's or the general public'shealth, safety, or welfare, no person, firm, or corporation shall transportgasoline by motor vehicle, container, or otherwise except as provided in thissection. This section shall not be applicable to any vehicle subject to thejurisdiction and regulatory authority of the federal government or any of itsagencies.
(b) Any person, firm, or corporation convicted of violatingthe provisions of this section or the rules and regulations promulgated by thestate fire marshal or the division of motor vehicles under this section shall,upon conviction, be subject to the fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.