§ 31-24-53 Safety lights required on foodvending vehicles. No person engaged as an itinerant vendor of food items from a motor vehicleoperated, or caused to be operated by him or her, upon the public streets orhighways of the state of Rhode Island, shall operate the motor vehicle or causethe motor vehicle to be operated for the purpose of vending food items upon thecity streets or highways unless the motor vehicle shall have been equipped withtwo (2) flashing lights, one yellow located on the front bumper and one red onthe rear bumper of it, except those vehicles which have flashing warning lightsas standard equipment. When the motor vehicle shall have been stopped for thepurpose of the intended itinerary business, they shall continue flashing as awarning of its position to all approaching vehicular traffic. Violations ofthis section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4.