§ 31-25-1 Compliance with chapterrequired. (a) Except in reference to §§ 31-25-16 and 31-25-27 where it shall beconsidered a violation, it is a civil violation for any carrier to drive ormove or to cause or permit to be driven or moved on any highway any vehicle orvehicles of a size or weight exceeding the limitations stated in this chapteror otherwise in violation of this chapter, and the maximum size and weight ofvehicles specified in this chapter shall be lawful throughout this state. Localauthorities shall have no power or authority to alter the limitations except asexpress authority may be granted in this chapter.
(2) "Carrier" includes any company or person who furtherstheir commercial or private enterprise by use of the vehicle.
(b) The director of the department of transportation shallpromulgate rules and regulations and requirements consistent with this chapterfor the application and issuance of permits for overweight and oversizevehicles or loads.