§ 31-25-17 Identification of trucks andtruck-tractors. (a) Every motor truck and every truck-tractor exceeding a gross vehicle weightor gross combination weight of ten thousand pounds (10,000 lbs.) shall beidentified with the name, trade name, or company identifying logo and the cityand state of the owner and operating carrier, or individual transportingproperty, when that transportation is for the furtherance of any commercialenterprise. However, in lieu of the city and state, one of the following may bedisplayed on the vehicle:
(1) The interstate commerce commission number if a regulatedinterstate carrier; or
(2) An identifying number issued by an official state agency.
(b) The display of identification prescribed by this sectionshall be in letters in sharp color contrast to the background and be of suchsize, shape, and color as to be readily legible, during daylight hours, from adistance of fifty feet (50') while the vehicle is not in motion. The display ofidentification may be accomplished through the use of a removable device soprepared as to otherwise meet the identification requirements and legibilityrequirements of this section, if the vehicle is operated by any company orcarrier. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the display of additionalidentification as may be required by other laws of this state or any otherstate, or agency or department of the federal government.
(c) Penalties for violations of this section shall be handledby the traffic tribunal and the fines shall be as provided for in §31-41.1-4.