§ 31-25-27.2 Weight restrictions on Route114 Bristol. (a) No commercial motor truck or tractor with a gross weight exceeding four (4)tons, except those listed in this section, shall be allowed to travel on Route114 (Hope Street and Ferry Road) between Gooding Avenue and Route 136.
(b) The director of the department of transportation isdirected to post signs to limit access as prescribed in subsection (a) of thissection.
(c) The following vehicles shall be exempt from theprovisions of this section: any commercial vehicle whose destination isanywhere, either on or off the routes stated in subsection (a) of this section;any and all emergency vehicles, state vehicles, municipal vehicles, publictransit vehicles, marked school administration vehicles, and vehiclesparticipating in the annual 4th of July parade or other civic parades.
(d) Any commercial registered motor truck or tractor with agross weight exceeding four (4) tons, shall be prohibited from traveling theroutes stated in subsection (a) as a through route. Signs will be posted by thedepartment of transportation stating "Local Deliveries Only No ThroughTrucking 4 Ton Weight Limit."
(e) Violations of this section shall be a fine of fiftydollars ($50.00) for the first offense, not to exceed one hundred dollars($100) for each and every subsequent offense.