§ 31-26-4 Duty on collision withunattended vehicle. The driver of any vehicle which collides with another vehicle which isunattended and damage results to either vehicle shall immediately stop andshall then and there either locate and notify the operator or owner of theunattended vehicle of the name and address of the driver and owner of thevehicle striking the unattended vehicle or shall leave in a conspicuous placein or upon the unattended vehicle a notice written in the English languagegiving the name and address of the driver and of the owner of the vehicle doingthe striking and a statement of the circumstances of the collision, and shallimmediately give notice of the accident to a nearby office of local or statepolice. In the event the office so notified does not have jurisdiction of thelocale of the accident, it shall be the duty of the officer receiving thenotice to immediately give notice of the accident to the office havingjurisdiction.