§ 31-27.1-3 "Aggressive driving" defined. "Aggressive driving" means that an individual, coincident to operating a motorvehicle in violation of chapter 14 of this title, engages in conduct whichviolates two (2) or more of the following sections of law:
(1) Obedience to traffic control devices, § 31-13-4;
(2) Overtaking on the right, § 31-15-5;
(3) Driving within a traffic lane, § 31-15-1;
(4) Following too closely interval between vehicles,§ 31-15-12;
(5) Yielding right of way, §§ 31-15-12.1, 31-17-1,31-17-2, 31-17-4, 31-17-6, 31-17-7 and 31-17-8;
(6) Entering the roadway, §§ 31-15-14, 31-17-3 and31-17-5;
(7) Use of turn signals, §§ 31-16-5, 31-16-6,31-16-8 and 31-16-9;
(8) Relating to school buses, special stops, stop signs andyield signs, chapter 20 of this title; and
(9) Use of emergency break-down lane for travel, §31-15-16.