§ 31-28-7.10 Special legislativecommission to study the disability parking placard system. (a) A special legislative commission is hereby created consisting of seven (7)members: two (2) of whom shall be from the house of representatives, not morethan one from the same political party to be appointed by the speaker; two (2)of whom shall be from the senate, not more than one from the same politicalparty to be appointed by the senate majority leader; one of whom shall be arepresentative of the division of motor vehicles, to be appointed by theregistrar; two (2) of whom shall be representatives of the governor'scommission on disabilities, appointed by the chairperson of the governor'scommission on disabilities. In lieu of any appointment of a member of thelegislation to a permanent advisory commission, a legislative study commission,or any commission created by a general assembly resolution, the appointingauthority may appoint a member of the general public to serve in lieu of alegislator, provided that the majority leader or the minority leader of thepolitical party which is entitled to the appointment consents to theappointment of the member of the general public.
(b) The purpose of the commission shall be to study thedisability parking placard system and recommend possible changes to the systemand thereby improve service. The members of the commission shall meet at thecall of the speaker of the house and organize and shall select from among thelegislators a chairperson. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled in likemanner as the original appointment.
(c) The membership of the commission shall receive nocompensation for their services.
(d) All departments and agencies of the state shall furnishany advice and information, documentary and otherwise, to the commission andits agents that is deemed necessary or desirable by the commission tofacilitate the purposes of this section.
(e) The speaker of the house is hereby authorized anddirected to provide suitable quarters for the commission. The commission shallreport its findings and recommendations to the general assembly on or beforeJanuary 24, 2003 and the commission shall expire on March 24, 2003.