§ 31-3.1-2 Exclusions. No certificate of title need be obtained for:
(1) A vehicle owned by the United States unless it isregistered in this state;
(2) A vehicle owned by a manufacturer or dealer and held forsale, even though incidentally moved on the highway, or used for purposes oftesting or demonstration; or a vehicle used by a manufacturer solely fortesting;
(3) A vehicle owned by a nonresident of this state and notrequired by law to be registered in this state;
(4) A vehicle regularly engaged in the interstatetransportation of persons or property for which a currently effectivecertificate of title has been issued in another state;
(5) A vehicle moved solely by human or animal power;
(6) An implement of husbandry;
(7) Special mobile equipment;
(8) A self-propelled invalid wheel chair or tricycle;
(9) A trailer without motive power and designed for carryingproperty, to be drawn by a motor vehicle and having a capacity of threethousand pounds (3,000 lbs.) or less;
(10) Motorized bicycles; and
(11) A mobile home or other nonmotorized dwelling unit builton a chassis greater than eight feet six inches (8' 6") in width or sixty feet(60') in length and containing complete electrical, plumbing, and sanitaryfacilities, and designed to be installed on a temporary or permanent foundationfor permanent living quarters.