§ 31-3.2-9 Crossing of highways byyouthful operators Prohibitions. (a) No person under sixteen (16) years of age shall make a direct crossing of astate highway as the operator of a snowmobile or recreational vehicle. A personsixteen (16) years of age or older, but less than eighteen (18) years of age,may make a direct crossing of a highway only if he or she has in his or herimmediate possession a valid motor vehicle operator's license.
(b) No one shall carry a firearm, rifle, or shotgun in or ona snow vehicle, a recreational vehicle, or on a trailer or sled attached to oneunless such firearm, rifle, or shotgun is unloaded and in an enclosed case,unless he or she is a law enforcement officer or other person authorized tocarry arms.
(c) It is unlawful for the owner of a snowmobile orrecreational vehicle to permit the snowmobile or recreational vehicle to beoperated contrary to the provisions of this section. Nothing contained in thissection shall be construed to supersede the powers of any department of thestate, nor of any city, town, commission, or body having authority to regulatethe use of lands, waters, or ways within their respective control, orjurisdiction from adopting rules, regulations, ordinances, or by-laws notrepugnant to law as to the operation of snow vehicles or recreational vehicleson such lands, waters, or ways, including the prohibition of such operation.Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to constitute a license tooperate snow vehicles or recreational vehicles on private land. Any person whooperates a snowmobile upon the land of another shall stop and identify himselfor herself upon the request of the landowner or his or her duly authorizedrepresentative, and if requested to do so by the owner or representative, shallpromptly remove the snowmobile from the premises.