§ 31-31-3 Abstracts of operating records. The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shall upon request furnishany insurance carrier or any person or surety a certified abstract of theoperating record of any person subject to the provisions of chapters 31 33 of this title. This abstract shall fully designate the motor vehicles, ifany, registered in the name of the person, shall include enumeration of anymotor vehicle accidents in which the person has been involved and reference toany convictions of the persons for violation of the motor vehicle laws asreported to the division of motor vehicles, and if there is no record of anyconviction of the person of a violation of any provision of any statuterelating to the operation of a motor vehicle or of any injury or damage causedby the person as provided in this chapter, the administrator of the division ofmotor vehicles shall so certify. The administrator of the division of motorvehicles shall collect for each certification the sum of ten dollars ($10.00).The requirements of this section that the certificate be furnished shall notmake the certificate admissible as evidence in any legal proceeding.