§ 31-31-6 Exceptions to requirement ofsecurity. The requirements as to security and suspension in this chapter shall not apply:
(1) To the driver or owner if the owner had in effect at thetime of the accident an automobile liability policy or bond with respect to thevehicle involved in the accident, except that a driver shall not be exemptunder this subdivision if at the time of the accident the vehicle was beingoperated without the owner's permission, express or implied;
(2) To the driver, if not the owner of the vehicle involvedin the accident, if there was in effect at the time of the accident anautomobile liability policy or bond with respect to his or her driving ofvehicles not owned by him or her;
(3) To a driver or owner whose liability for damagesresulting from the accident is, in the judgment of the division of motorvehicles, covered by any other form of liability insurance policy or bond;
(4) To any person qualifying as a self-insurer under §31-33-9 or to any person operating a vehicle for the self-insurer;
(5) To the driver or the owner of a vehicle involved in anaccident if no injury or damage was caused to the person or property of anyoneother than the driver or owner;
(6) To the driver or owner of a vehicle if at the time of theaccident the vehicle was stopped, standing, or parked, whether attended orunattended except in the event that the division of motor vehicles shalldetermine that any such stopping, standing, or parking of the vehicle wasillegal, and that the violation contributed to the cause of the accident;
(7) To the owner of a vehicle if at the time of the accidentthe vehicle was being operated without the owner's permission, express orimplied, or was parked by a person who had been operating the vehicle withoutpermission;
(8) To the owner of a vehicle involved in an accident if atthe time of the accident the vehicle was owned by or leased to the UnitedStates, to this state or to a municipality of it, or to the driver of thevehicle if operating the vehicle with permission; or
(9) To the driver or the owner of a vehicle in the event, atthe time of the accident the vehicle was being operated by or under thedirection of a police officer who, in the performance of his or her duties,shall have assumed custody of the vehicle.