§ 31-33-10 Statement as to liabilityinsurance not included in sale of vehicle. (a) Whenever any motor vehicle dealer licensed under chapter 5 of this titlesells a motor vehicle at retail other than a cash sale, and the transaction forfinancing the purchase does not include the sale of liability insurancecoverage which will protect the purchaser under the provisions of chapters 31and 32 of this title, the purchase order or invoice or memorandum ofconditional sales contract evidencing the transaction shall contain a statementin the following form:
"It is understood that insurance coverage which would protectthe purchaser under the Rhode Island Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act isnot included in the purchase of the motor vehicle described here.
The purchaser has received a copy of this statement.
]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (purchaser'ssignature) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] (seller's signature)"
(b) The seller shall print or stamp the statement on thepurchase order or invoice in distinctive colored ink and with clearly visibleletters. The statement shall be signed by the purchaser and the seller in thespace provided in it on or before the date of delivery of the motor vehicledescribed in the purchase order or invoice or memorandum of conditional salescontract, and a copy of the form shall be given to the purchaser by the seller.