§ 31-34.1-2 Rental vehicle surcharge. (a) Each rental company shall collect, at the time a motor vehicle is rented inthis state, on each rental contract, a surcharge equal to six percent (6.0%) ofgross receipts per vehicle on all rentals for each of the first thirty (30)consecutive days. The surcharge shall be computed prior to the assessment ofany applicable sales taxes, provided, however, the surcharge shall be subjectto the sales tax.
(b) The surcharge shall be included on the rental contractand collected in accordance with the terms of the rental contract. Fiftypercent (50%) of the surcharge shall be retained by the rental company inaccordance with this section and subsection (c), and fifty percent (50%) of thesurcharge shall be remitted to the state for deposit in the general fund, on aquarterly basis in accordance with a schedule adopted by the taxadministration. Each rental company collecting and retaining surcharge amountsmay reimburse itself in accordance with this section from the funds retainedfor the total amount of motor vehicle licensing fees, title fees, registrationfees and transfer fees paid to the state of Rhode Island and excise taxesimposed upon the rental companies' motor vehicles during the prior calendaryear; provided, that rental companies shall not be authorized to reimbursethemselves for title fees, motor vehicles licensing fees, transfer fees,registration fees and excise taxes unless those fees and taxes shall have beenassessed and paid in full to the state or appropriate city or town prior to anyreimbursement. No reimbursement shall be allowed upon the prepayment of anyfees or excise taxes.
(c) At a date to be set by the state tax administrator, butnot later than February 15th of any calendar year, each rental company shall,in addition to filing a quarterly remittance form, file a report with the statetax administrator on a form prescribed by him or her, stating the total amountof motor vehicles licensing fees, transfer fees, title fees, registration feesand excise taxes paid by the rental company in the previous year. The amount,if any, by which the surcharge collections exceed the amount of licensing fees,title fees, transfer fees, registration fees and excise taxes paid shall beremitted by the rental company to the state of Rhode Island for deposit in thegeneral fund.