§ 31-34-7 Notification to customerregarding insurance coverage. (a) Whenever any car rental agency offers a collision damage waiver on thevehicle at an additional cost, it shall notify the lessee by providing thefollowing language, (in ten (10) point type) in all rental agreements:
"Notice: This contract offers, for an additional charge, acollision damage waiver to cover your responsibility for damage to the vehicle.Before deciding whether to purchase the collision damage waiver, you may wishto determine whether your own automobile insurance affords you coverage fordamage to the rental vehicle and the amount of the deductible under your owninsurance coverage. The purchase of collision damage waiver is not mandatoryunder this contract.
"Read the collision damage waiver disclosure provisioncontained in this rental agreement before signing this agreement."
(b) The following uniform collision damage waiver provisionshall be contained in every rental agreement:
Notice About Liability for Damage to the Rental Car
The State of Rhode Island requires us to provide thefollowing information about your liability for damage to the rental car and thepurchase of a damage waiver.
Insurance or Credit Card Coverage
Liability for any damage to the rental vehicle may be coveredby your personal insurance policy or credit agreement. Check your insurancepolicy or credit card agreement about coverage.
Damage Waiver Coverage
A damage waiver is not insurance coverage. You do not have topurchase the Collision Damage Waiver. You can decline it.
If you purchase a damage waiver, we will waive our right tohold you or any authorized driver liable for damage. Even if you buy the damagewaiver, you and any authorized driver will remain liable for damage if any ofthe following apply:
(1) Damage or loss caused intentionally, willfully orwantonly by an authorized driver;
(2) Damage or loss occurring while an authorized driveroperates the rental vehicle while legally intoxicated or under the influence ofany illegal drug or chemical as defined or determined under the law of thestate in which the damage occurred;
(3) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver isengaging in any speed contest;
(4) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is usingthe vehicle to push or tow anything or using the vehicle to carry persons orproperty for hire, unless expressly authorized in the rental agreement;
(5) Damage or loss incurred while an authorized driver isdriving outside the United States or Canada, or, if state restrictions areimposed by the rental agreement if such damage or loss is incurred outside ofthose states where operation of the vehicle is expressly authorized in therental agreement;
(6) Damage or loss incurred while the vehicle is driven, withthe renter's permission or accession, by anyone other than an authorized driver;
(7) Damage or loss incurred after the private passengerautomobile was rented or an authorized driver was approved as a result offraudulent information provided to the rental company;
(8) Damage or loss incurred as a result of commission of afelony by an authorized driver; and
(9) Damage or loss incurred if the vehicle is stolen and therenter or authorized driver fails to return the original ignition key, fails tofile a police report within seventy-two (72) hours of discovering the theft, orfails to cooperate with the rental agency, police or other authorities in allmatters connected with the investigation.