§ 31-36.1-3 Motor carrier license andidentification Temporary licenses. (a) Each carrier operating a qualified motor vehicle in two (2) or morejurisdictions shall apply to the administrator for a motor carrier fuel uselicense upon forms approved by the administrator and shall upon application,pay a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00). The license shall remain in effectuntil surrendered or revoked under the provisions of § 31-36.1-4. The taxadministrator shall, in addition, provide identification devices in thequantity requested to each licensed motor carrier. One such device must bedisplayed on the exterior portion of each side of the cab of each qualifiedmotor vehicle. The fee for such identification device shall be ten dollars($10.00) per qualified motor vehicle. Identification devices shall be issuedeach year by the administrator and shall be displayed on or before March 1.
(b) The administrator may refuse to issue a license if theapplication for it:
(1) Is filed by a motor carrier whose license at any timetheretofore has been revoked by the administrator.
(2) Contains any misrepresentation, misstatement, or omissionof material information required by the application.
(3) Is filed by some other motor carrier as a subterfuge ofthe real motor carrier in interest whose license or registration previously hasbeen revoked for cause by the administrator.
(4) Is filed by any motor carrier who is delinquent in thepayment of any fee, tax, penalty, or other amount due the administrator for itsaccount.
The finding may be made by the administrator after grantingthe applicant a hearing of which the applicant shall be given ten (10) daysnotice in writing, and in which the applicant shall have the right to appear inperson or by counsel and present testimony.
(c) Temporary license. Upon application to theadministrator and payment of a fee of ten dollars ($10.00), an unlicensed motorcarrier may obtain a temporary license which will authorize one qualified motorvehicle to be operated on the highways of this state, for a period not toexceed ten (10) days, without compliance with the fees imposed in this section,the tax imposed in § 31-36.1-5, and the bond required in § 31-36.1-6.
(d) The administrator may adopt rules and regulationsspecifying the conditions under which temporary licenses will be issued andproviding for their issuance.