§ 31-37-7.1 Minimum standards forgasoline. (a) Beginning June 1, 2007, no person shall sell, deliver for sale, import, orcause to be imported into the state for sale any gasoline containing methyltertiary- butyl ether (MTBE) or other ether oxygenates in quantities greaterthan one half of one percent (0.5%) by volume. For the purpose of this section,"other ether oxygenates" shall include the following gasoline additives:Methanol; Isopropanol; n-Propanol; N-Butonal; sec-Butanol; tert- Butanol;Tert-pentalol (tert-amylalcohol); Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE);Diisopropylether (DIPE); Tertiary Butyl alcohol (TBA); Iso-butanol; andTert-amymethylether (TAME). Nothing in this section shall prohibit thetransshipment of gasoline containing the oxygenates within the state fordisposition outside the state, including storage coincident to thetransshipment.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, itshall be the responsibility of the director of the department of environmentalmanagement to administer and enforce this section.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 31-37-17,penalties for violations of this section shall be assessed pursuant to §23-23-14 as administered by the department of environmental management. Inaddition, the department is hereby authorized to administer this sectionaccording to the provisions of chapter 12.1 of title 46 in conjunction with itsauthority relating to underground storage tanks.