§ 31-38-2 Inspection by any properofficer. (a) The director of the department of revenue, members of the state and localpolice, and any other officers and employees of the division of motor vehiclesas the director of the department of revenue may designate, may at any timerequire the seller at retail or driver of the vehicle to stop and submit thevehicle to an inspection and test with reference to it as may be appropriate.
(b) In the event the vehicle is found to be in unsafecondition or any required part or equipment is not in proper repair andadjustment, the officer shall give a written notice to the seller at retail ordriver and shall send a copy to the director of the department of revenue. Thenotice shall require that the vehicle be placed in safe condition and itsequipment in proper repair and adjustment, specifying the particulars withreference to it, and that the notice be approved within five (5) days.
(c) The director of the department of revenue, or thedirector's designee, upon written notice, may require the seller at retail,owner, or driver to submit the vehicle to the state inspection facility forinspection. If the notice is not complied with, the director may suspend theregistration of the vehicle described in the notice.
(d) If three (3) notices are issued in a twelve (12) monthperiod for any motor vehicle for the same or substantially the same unsafecondition or required part or equipment not being in proper repair andadjustment, the director shall suspend the registration of the vehicledescribed in the notice, and the owner shall be subject for each violation tofines enumerated in § 31-41.4-4.