§ 31-38-4 Director of department ofrevenue to require periodic inspection. (a) The director of revenue shall at least once each year, but not morefrequently than twice each year, or on the schedule defined pursuant to chapter47.1 of this title require that every vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, and poletrailer registered in this state or upon a retail seller's premise, beinspected and that an official certificate of inspection and approval beobtained for the vehicle, provided, that the director of revenue shall requirethe first inspection of any new motor vehicle within two (2) years from thedate of purchase or before the vehicle accumulates twenty-four thousand(24,000) miles whichever occurs first.
(2) The inspections shall be made and the certificatesobtained with respect to the mechanism, brakes, and equipment of the vehicle asshall be designated by the director of department of revenue.
(3) The director of the department of revenue is authorizedto make necessary rules and regulations for the administration and enforcementof this chapter including, but not limited to, upgraded standards of operationand standards for mechanical testing equipment, and to designate any period orperiods of time during which sellers at retail and owners of any vehicles,subject to this chapter, shall display upon the vehicles certificates ofinspection and approval, or shall produce these certificates upon demand of anyproper officer or employee of the department of revenue designated by thedirector of the department of revenue. In addition, the director shall requireeach inspection facility to file a copy of their active garage keeper's legalliability insurance policy and maintain a minimum of twenty-five thousanddollars ($25,000) liability coverage. Said coverage shall be purchased for thepurpose of insuring against any damage sustained to a vehicle while under thecontrol of the inspection facility.
(b) The director of the department of revenue may authorizethe acceptance in this state of a certificate of inspection and approval issuedin another state having an inspection law similar to this chapter, and mayextend the time within which a certificate shall be obtained.
(c) The director of the department of revenue, or thedirector's designee, may suspend the registration of any vehicle which he orshe determines is in such unsafe condition as to constitute a menace to safety,or which, after notice and demand, is not equipped as required in this chapteror for which a required certificate of inspection and approval has not beenobtained.
(d) The director of the department of revenue shall providefor a staggered inspection system by regulations.
(e) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.